Thursday 3 July 2014


Yesterday was filled with leadership lessons. Firstly we have our new world president - this is him... 

Not my photo but kindly provided by Rachel to the twittersphere.

I have been watching him closely. I kind of wanted to know if I liked him, you know as he was to be my future leader and all. Would have served him anyway but just saying! Anyway I loved what I saw but more importantly I loved what I heard. I had lovely conversations with people from all over the world who said how lucky I was to be in the English group as Peter was such a special man. Kind, thoughtful, wise and able to listen. There it is again that capacity to listen. Congratulations Peter - you won by listening first, now you have earned the right to lead us.

Then later in the day I had time to chat to Lewis. I loved his perceptive analysis of the event I was at and more than that his willingness to suspend any judgement and to take the time to listen to hear what I had to say and to understand. We have many differences in age and geography and life experience but Lewis deftly jumped any divides and made me feel like what I had to say was important too. Thanks Lewis maybe you are a future president!

1 comment:

  1. Such a awesome guy and absolute credit to YMCA England, a man who didn't just attend the World Council, but also invented the "Gold BAG" idea for airports.

    Look forward to seeing you again.

