Wednesday 18 June 2014

First and First

Today I did something for the FIRST time ...... I posted a blog!!! It has taken me two days to pluck the courage up to actually do it.

In 10-days time I will be making my way to Denver to my FIRST YMCA World Council - very excited about this .... and feeling a little unsure as to what to expect. 

I recall the first time that I attended National Conference (in the UK) and being blown away by the depth and breath of the YMCA movement in the UK ...... so I guess I'd better get ready for a whole lot more at World Council!

And just because I like quotes .... "Courage is rightly esteemed the FIRST of human qualities ...... because it is the quality which guarantees all others."      Winston Churchill

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic Wendy, this is perfect. Setting a great example of how easy it can be. Sharing expectations before we go makes sure there are no problems with access as well as helping to focus on the event. The whole experience will be truly epic.
