Ok folks. My third Global Link blog is ready to go, without the need of Ken's encouragement for a change too. Sorry about the lack of photos there's plenty on my Facebook!
When you travel half way across the world and arrive at a place so ridiculously perfect it's a shame to know that if you kept traveling it would only be a matter of time before you were on your way back home again. Estes Park Colorado. It's hot but breezy, calm yet energetic, multilingual yet everyone is here for the same reason. The same goal. The same ambitions.
This is my first World Council as 4 years ago I was just starting my own personal YMCA adventure. The vibes I'm getting is that the hopes from Hong Kong 2010 have been met and exceeded and the goal throughout this week is that we will have the same outcomes at the next council in 2018 wherever that may be.
Although I am the third successive young person to represent Newport YMCA, I'm the only Welsh member here out of 1300 other participants. Still, the YMCA has no borders and today we stand as one.
I won't go in to too much detail about the weeks programme as the other guys on here will surely do that a lot better than I can. The reason for the blog came at the end of our short YMCA Europe meeting earlier this afternoon after listening to Juan, the Secretary General of YE. He mentioned in closing not to just think about my physical and mental journey this week but to think of those who cannot be with us. This was thought provoking for me as I'm sure other Welsh parties would love to be here too. I thought of the YMCA Wales chair Peter Landers who even if he did intend on coming would have had to cancel for important health reasons, and since putting me forward has done everything to help fund and encourage me to be a part of this occasion.
I also thought of my Centre Assistant Manager at Newport YMCA where I am Chairman and fellow ILP member Arif Hussain who from funding restrictions passed me the baton, yet still raised over £300 towards the trip through a talent show at our Y some months ago. There are also a few notable absentees from around the world who's contribution will be missed and finally my close personal friend Mike who represented Wales in 2010 for following what we're doing here. I'm looking forward to following the next representative in 4 years already whether or not I can still be worthy of attending myself. I feel forever in your debt people.
Thanks for your time, diolch yn fawr,
YMCA Wales
Monday, 30 June 2014
First blog following first full day at 18th YMCA world council meeting.
What to say?
I am struck by the diversity of this conference not just the fact 80 countries are represented or the fact people come from all walks of life, it's the fact one can breakfast with representatives from France and share issues on poverty and inspiration being a form of teenage contraception! Lunch with representatives from y retired in the USA talking about intergenerational work and aspiration and dinner following a powerful opening of the youth empowerment conference by young people from across the world.
I'm struck by the fact YMCA naturally embraces the journey of remembering the past, renewing the present and risking for the future.
All participants have journeyed days, weeks, months, years, decades and all arrived here at the same destination.
First Impressions Of The 18th World Council
Its amazing what can happen in just two short days. Since friday i have experienced things i never thought i would, such as being on a plane again for the first time since i was 6 years old, to experiencing the wonders that are New York and the awe inspiring Colorado.
Yesterday something changed the way i will look at my future, the keynote speaker and her stories affected me in much the same way they affected her. She told a story about a stranger who created footprints for her to walk in and she has now created new footprints that i can now follow.
This joirney has allowed me to see so many countries and the way they live their everyday lives and although some aspects are quite different i can see the similarities in our cultures which shows me that no matter where you're from or how you are raised, we are all equal. I have learned this much in two days and i can't wait to see what the rest of the 18th YMCA World Council has to offer.
A first...
As I sit and wait for Monday to start, at my first world council, trying to catch my breathe with ths lack of oxygen, my first time in the USA; there is a mix of emotions.
While I sit with friends, "old" and new, I am excited for what is to come and anxiety. With what is to come today, I'm a little it petrified; for those that don't know I am on stage to present the group work sessions (a new and exciting thing for the World Council). With everything going on, it is overwhelming! But bring it on... and to leave you, here is where it is all happening:
The Park is Estes, The Place is Colorado!
(YMCA badge that tells me who I am and where I am from) |
Lewis Barkway signs in for another wordy blog piece...Teaming up with Jayson Ware, Wesley Hulme from YMCA North Staffordshire, Rachel Dyne YMCA Romford, Colleen Ndhlovu YMCA Bristol, Ken Montgomery YMCA England and the world, then catching up later with James Smith YMCA North Tyneside and strolled in like a don Robbie Cheyne Y-Care International England then last but not least Mr Jackiooo Ahearn YMCA Black Country. (Fortunately for Rachel she had to share the 8 hours flight journey alongside Lewis and Jack....She said quote "It was the best experience ever and wanted the flight time to be extended!!!!" - Rachel
(Rachel's best experience so far) |
I left with Jayson Ware and Wesley Hulme this morning at 5:20am for us to catch the 5:45 National Express Coach from Stoke-On-Trent, it was the worst possible start regarding weather...A random flash flood of rain crashed down upon us on the shortest travel distance out of the day and soaked us and killed my hair...But hey, we made the coach and all was fine from there on, as we made the second coach from Birmingham to London Heathrow where Jayson and Wesley got of at Terminal 2. As they had a different plane to catch going via New York which they were both happy about. So we parted ways and said we will meet on the other side (Other side meaning Colorado) where the time of day will be past midnight/early hours Sunday morning.
(Just capturing the moment we realise that the WORLD Council is around the corner) |
(When I am quiet I am satisfied, this was that satisfactory salad) |
So skipping slightly onto the land of FOOD....I had the nicest salad in Heathrow airport where we all had a bite to eat before departure, where food was flying out in quick time, kens face was showing great vibes through such a quick service....and also he has he new gadgets out on show! In his element he most certainly was!
After all the odd movies being watched and the toilet breaks we had whilst we we're in the air, oh and the Zzzzzz time. We touched down at around 18:30 into Chicago which was expected and safely, but then out of no where...Capitan of the plane calls out and mentions there has been a malfunction with the systems regarding luggage....So can you imagine our faces!?!?! We were in bits, I more so when I thought HAIR PRODUCTS! But all in all, everyone got their bags and we relaxed into the few hours we had in Chicago and just mingled on into the night of when we had to depart on our final flight to Denver.
More YMCA guys started turning up at Chicago to get the flight at 22:00 so it was good to see more new and old faces. I also had the chance to have some banter with some local security guards which was a good laugh. (Photo below)
Lewis Barkway
(With contributions by Rachel and Jack)
Change Agent
YMCA North Staffordshire
Oh, so before departure I quickly started receiving messages off this Palestinian princess Watan, who is one of the Change Agents from her YMCA movement The Holy Land Palestine, also with her was the beautiful man Raed also representing the Palestine movement.
We haven't seen each other since Prague festival (August 2013) so was a perfect 20 minutes catch up before I departed.
More catching up will take place once in Estes Park. Eeeeexcited!!!
We departed and got on this BA (British Airways) flight which was suppose to depart at 15:50 but we had a slight delay because of what? Yes you guessed it, RAIN! Well we got underway and only ended up waiting a few moments as it cleared.
Whilst up in flight myself, Jack and Rachel had seats all together and we had that REAL laughter going on, I mean hurt belly and wet eyes stuff.
The BA staff had a good manner about them as dealing with all three of us (Yes includes you Rachel) when we had some mad moments of asking if the cabin crew were actually British and asking to cool our chocolate!
The only issue Jack had was that his front neighbor kept on kicking back and slamming their seat in Jacks face, other than that we all loved the food and took the beverages as they came. (They came at a considerably regular pace)
(Nothing but a good old Apple Juice (Wink Wink) to lift you off the ground) |
(That casual wing photo, my clouds are better than yours game) |
The other subject that we touched upon was the....Ohhhh Yeah, The real reason we are actually coming here together, The YMCA World Council and also the Change Agents call. Myself and Jack had a little interview taken by Rachel whilst on the plane, yet video needs a bit of brushing up and will post onto my next blog.
Whilst discussing this important matter and sharing concerns and words of creativeness, we then got offered another regular paced beverage ask...We took the offer, shandy was for me and Rachel and Jack took the Wine, they deserved it after all the travelling!
After all the odd movies being watched and the toilet breaks we had whilst we we're in the air, oh and the Zzzzzz time. We touched down at around 18:30 into Chicago which was expected and safely, but then out of no where...Capitan of the plane calls out and mentions there has been a malfunction with the systems regarding luggage....So can you imagine our faces!?!?! We were in bits, I more so when I thought HAIR PRODUCTS! But all in all, everyone got their bags and we relaxed into the few hours we had in Chicago and just mingled on into the night of when we had to depart on our final flight to Denver.
More YMCA guys started turning up at Chicago to get the flight at 22:00 so it was good to see more new and old faces. I also had the chance to have some banter with some local security guards which was a good laugh. (Photo below)
(If you can't be civil, then play to their weakness...Fun with the security at Chicago) |
Okay, we have all boarded onto our last flight and hoping that everyone's flights arrive on time at Denver around 23:30 to midnight.
So then will all collect all bags (again) and then set on a bus for 1hr and 30minutes to Estes Park, to then be greeted and more than likely be blown away but also be too tired for words, so will crash out and get ready, for the start of which means to be something special and true to all our hearts.!
So then will all collect all bags (again) and then set on a bus for 1hr and 30minutes to Estes Park, to then be greeted and more than likely be blown away but also be too tired for words, so will crash out and get ready, for the start of which means to be something special and true to all our hearts.!
(Lets put this boarding pass to use and fly with the American) |
We all have clear visions on how we see the World Council and the potential it has to offer, but we need to make sure we create that impact we desire so bad, which is...Setting the Youth with the benchmark we've all began to create, being Change Agents and also linking the Local work to the International movement so more can hear!
As you may tell we and I can imagine the thousands are over excited and feel a buzz in the air already, but that's just the YMCA way and ora we give out to each other, which if we could bottle it and giveaway we would! So more positives and beautiful blogging will follow throughout the week and this will keep giving you an insight to what we are all getting up too, but know this....YMCA World Council 2014 in Colorado is going to be one that will be implementing "Change" and "Strategy" to benefit millions more young people within and out of the YMCA.!
(Errrrrrm..............SELFIE) |
So will give your noggin another blogging when all is in full swing, thanks for reading.
.......P.S... (NEWS.... My LUGGAGE IS LOST!) Will I survive without it or will I receive it in time?!!? You'll know if you see a follow up to this blog, so keep your eyes peeled....! Then again myself, Ken and Jack ended having a 55 seat coach all to ourselves on the way back, this blog has now truly been completed.
Lewis Barkway
(With contributions by Rachel and Jack)
Change Agent
YMCA North Staffordshire
Jack Ahearn - When Arriving in Estes Park
Myself and Lewis getting excited for our final flight (Chicago - Denver) |
Started out my house about 8.30am UK time.... it is now 4am Colorado time (11am the next day UK time!) as i arrive at Estes Park!
Yes i am tired, and yes all sorts of emotions are filling me up and have been for the past couple of weeks. But i am with good friends which changes everything... anxiety turns into ease, and the burning excitement, well thats not going anywhere!
You might wonder, anxious?! Going to the World Council?! The YMCA World Council... biggest YMCA event i have ever engaged in! I think that is why... it is so HUGE! So much already prepared, so much more to do and achieve.
What brings me assurance is thinking how empowered i will feel all over again, while empowering other young people. I may be a Change Agent but learning is constant, and learning is sharing not exclusive. Cant wait to share this with over a 1000 participants!
Which brings me to the bigger picture! The next few days are going to be overwhelming, seeing old friends, meeting new, learning, experiencing, living and being the YMCA.
It brings me back to my first international conference in Prague in 2011 for Roots for Reconcilliation. The passion, the excitement, the awe of the scale of the YMCA! It makes me think of the Young People coming from North Staffordshire YMCA with Lewis... what must be going through their heads, we have an idea, but everyones experience with these things are so unique to the person and could inspire a burst of different possibilities when they return home!
I am very much looking forward to a cup of tea, with a nice view of the Rockies pleaseee, and i am looking forward to allowing it all digest!
Untill then i will finish this journey with my fellow Change Agents, Lewis and Rachel (Also Robbie, James, Ken, Colleen, Martine and others) - i must admit whom without
the last 8 hours would probably have been un-bearable! With a normal mixture of films, Tetris, Battleships, Joey Essex, hillarious banter and serious video interviews. :)
Below is a short video of me and Lewis sharing a discussion on our Change Agent roles coming to an END? while flying!.....Unfortunatly it wouldn't upload, so we are going to keep you waiting, so WATCH THIS SPACE peeps.
Thank you for reading
Jack Ahearn
YMCA Black Country
Mountain Top People
Yesterday we had the opening ceremony for the 18th YMCA World Council. We heard some amazing facts about what the YMCA does and hopes to do.
Two things really stood out for me......
Firstly the quotes and sayings about being mountain top men and mountain top women ... being people who .... soar above obstacles to the promised land; sees the rainbow & the sunrise; who have our head in clouds and feet firmly embedded in the rock
Having such awe inspiring views .... really helps to stir us on to be mountain top men and women.
Ps: I would put an amazing photo here ... If I could figure out how to do it from my iPad!!
“And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, standing in admiration as a breathing red pours its tinge upon earth’s shore. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that man’s weak praise should be given God’s attention.”
(Donald Miller)
Secondly the key Note address by Gabriela - wow!
Three key lesson for us all:
1. Never underestimate the power of one key moment or the effect that an encouraging or kind word can have. WORDS HAVE POWER!
2. Take a leap of faith! We all know that faith can move mountains!
3. Walk in a good way! Be a great role model, people will follow your example; better still give them other the courage to walk good in their own way!!
Two things really stood out for me......
Firstly the quotes and sayings about being mountain top men and mountain top women ... being people who .... soar above obstacles to the promised land; sees the rainbow & the sunrise; who have our head in clouds and feet firmly embedded in the rock
Having such awe inspiring views .... really helps to stir us on to be mountain top men and women.
Ps: I would put an amazing photo here ... If I could figure out how to do it from my iPad!!
“And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, standing in admiration as a breathing red pours its tinge upon earth’s shore. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that man’s weak praise should be given God’s attention.”
(Donald Miller)
Secondly the key Note address by Gabriela - wow!
Three key lesson for us all:
1. Never underestimate the power of one key moment or the effect that an encouraging or kind word can have. WORDS HAVE POWER!
2. Take a leap of faith! We all know that faith can move mountains!
3. Walk in a good way! Be a great role model, people will follow your example; better still give them other the courage to walk good in their own way!!
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Touch down and a high five
Day one after a amazing few days with our young people seeing the sights of New York City, we have touched down at the YMCA of the Rockies and what a great place for all of us to come together.
Already I have been learning about Korea it's YMCA's and it's language, during this the group of young people wanted to make a quick video using a phone. It involved lots of high fives, this is one of the many reasons how people from across the globe can come together do something even thou they have never met before today. It's one of the many things I love about the YMCA.
I look forward to catching up with friends, colleauges and making some new ones from across the globe along this great trip that is the YMCA. World Alliance Conference
We made it. Now start mingling.
They say it's often not about the destination but about the journey.
Well after 27 hours travelling from Heathrow via Chicago to Estes Park, with its beautiful surrounding scape...I think in this case it's fair to say that the destination wins.
It's my first full day here in Colorado and things are kicking into gear; Estes Park staff who greeted us at 5am this morning were back up again mere hours later, serving new arrivals like they never missed a beat. At breakfast this morning I walked passed familiar YMCA faces from across the globe; catching up with some of them over pancakes and promising others that we'll "do lunch".
Importantly, this picturesque site is full of new and young faces. For those who I've talked who say it's their first international YMCA experience, I am excited for them. Things haven't even begun yet and already pockets of new conversations between young people from different continents are starting up all the time. Simple start up questions like "Where are you from?" or "What do you do at the YMCA?" may seem trivial but they are the start of something great. These small steps can take you out of your comfort zone of course. But once you're there you begin to learn about this huge movement through what are sometimes powerful conversations and you begin to see the world through a global lens.
So my advice this week is to step outside your comfort zone and talk to those new faces. It might seem scary to take those steps, but the destination is worth the journey.
Well after 27 hours travelling from Heathrow via Chicago to Estes Park, with its beautiful surrounding scape...I think in this case it's fair to say that the destination wins.
It's my first full day here in Colorado and things are kicking into gear; Estes Park staff who greeted us at 5am this morning were back up again mere hours later, serving new arrivals like they never missed a beat. At breakfast this morning I walked passed familiar YMCA faces from across the globe; catching up with some of them over pancakes and promising others that we'll "do lunch".
Importantly, this picturesque site is full of new and young faces. For those who I've talked who say it's their first international YMCA experience, I am excited for them. Things haven't even begun yet and already pockets of new conversations between young people from different continents are starting up all the time. Simple start up questions like "Where are you from?" or "What do you do at the YMCA?" may seem trivial but they are the start of something great. These small steps can take you out of your comfort zone of course. But once you're there you begin to learn about this huge movement through what are sometimes powerful conversations and you begin to see the world through a global lens.
So my advice this week is to step outside your comfort zone and talk to those new faces. It might seem scary to take those steps, but the destination is worth the journey.
Just touched down in Denver town...
After a long flight and what seemed like an even longer bus journey I feel so pleased to have finally arrived at World Council.
As someone who isn't particularly keen on flying, I never get excited about my destinations - even ones as beautiful as Estes Park - until I actually arrive.
However last night the moment I touched down and saw some other members of the delegation I immediately felt the excitement begin. A week long celebration and exploration of all that is wonderful about the YMCA awaited me.
My morning started well and was greeted by Sir Ken on the way to breakfast and managed to get my first selfie of the conference...I'm now watching Mexico take on The Netherlands and it's a pleasure to be around a diverse international crowd.
The reason I mention the game is because the football match is a good example of how the rest of the week will be; as just like the World Council - we may be hoping for different outcomes -but in the end are here to enjoy and share the experience together.
I was a little breathless, perhaps the 45% less oxygen, perhaps the fatigue from the 22 hours of journeying, but anyway I had woken up a little breathless. So, I thought I would throw open the window.
Unbelievable that under the cover of darkness this incredible landscape had not imposed some subliminal awareness, but it had not. And here I am staring slack jawed at the most beautiful and powerful range of snow capped mountains.
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Its a small world after all
After spending a fantatsic day with our colleagues from the YMCA Vancouver learning from each other, I am currently listening live online to our radio station at the Young Carers Festival at YMCA Fairthorne Manor back in the UK. Question Time has just been broadcast and young carers had the chamce to quizz policy makers in the National Health Service about how they can support young carers. The Children Commissioner Maggie Akinson was also on the panel. Young Carers are still largely hidden in Canada. We spoke with passion to our YMCA colleagues here and you could just hear the penny or cents drop. Lets hope they can advocate for kids that care here in Canada.
A rest day today before we join you all in Denver for the next amazing YMCA gathering.
listen to ycf radio live online here
A rest day today before we join you all in Denver for the next amazing YMCA gathering.
listen to ycf radio live online here
Journey To Colorado!!!!! My First Blog :)
![]() |
This is a photo from our YMCANS website, check it out: http://ymcans.org.uk/ |
Hey, im Wes, im posting on Lewis' (the hair product guy) blog as i cant get on mine at the minute. I can't wait for this experience to begin and the hours (5 hours and 30 minutes to go until we set off from Stoke to London, then await the plane) are going soooo slow i just want to be on that plane heading to the furthest place from home i have ever been.
I have never been away from Europe in my entire life and this is only my second time being on a plane so the nerves are being mixed with the excitement for this trip (hence the reason i am posting at this time as i can not sleep).
This journey is really going to open my eyes and i cannot wait to meet all the people from all the different countries and learn about the way they live and also learn some of the languages that they speak.
I will be making my way to birmingham on the first stop on the coach and then making my way to Heathrow airport and im buzzing at the idea of the entire journey that Lewis and Jayson will probably fall asleep during :)
This is my first blog and i cant wait to see you all and i will update my blog about my stop off in New York when i arrive in Colorado.
HI MY NAME IS JAYSON J WARE and I am from YMCA North Staffordshire I cannot believe I am off to Colorado. This is my first Global experience and it will begin T minus 6 hours, as will be getting a coach down to London Heathrow with Lewis (The hair product guy) and Wesley (The lad I don't really know) but can't wait to share this experience with them both.
I know this is short but I am just over excited and cannot wait to be there...Please also understand I've just finished work and im completely knackered haha...
So I will be more fresh for my second post and will update you all then.
THANK YOU YMCA for this opportunity, I hope I do you proud.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Tech Savy Prep
I am just preparing to leave for World Council and realised that I could prepare my technology. For those of you who like this kind of thing then I can recommend downloading for your mobile device the World YMCA app which has maps programmes etc on it and then Blogger app for writing blogs as I am right now.
Finally for those of you with 3 mobile phones or data they now offer free to roam within your contract allowance for certain countries including the US! So I suggest if you have 3 as I do, turn on mobile data international roaming! No personal responsibility taken for this advice, personally I checked with them, you can too.
See you all soon
Expect the Unexpected
For a while I didn’t really
know how to put in writing all the emotions and thoughts I had concerning the
World Council meeting. As the newest edition to the YMCA family naturally I
thought I would be apprehensive about the meeting since I am not that well
acquainted with the some of the YMCA policies and procedures. However the more
I think about it the more I have found out that that’s not the case. It is now
a day before I step onto the Colorado soil and I can barely contain my
Frankly I have been excited
since the moment I discovered that I was going to be part of the delegation
going to Colorado at the start of the year. Though I expected my excitement to wane
surprisingly enough it didn’t. I suppose as I have gotten more involved at my
local YMCA the importance of the work that we are going to do or be a part of
at the Council has become clearer. The
work that England YMCA has been doing to
prepare has magnified the consequence of being involved as a participant at the
I’m excited to be acting as
a sponge at the Council- soaking up important information which will later be
used to drench others so to speak. The most exciting thing will be to see the
YMCA mission statement in action at the World Council as different groups of
people come together for the same purpose and to make a real difference
according to the principle laid in the Bible.
As a young adult meetings like
these fill me up with hope because there is nothing quite like knowing that
someone out there cares about your future and those around you and is willing
to invest in it for unselfish reasons –this is the YMCA way.
So what of my expectations
I hear you ask. The benefits of being part of something like this are very
obvious and although all of us are aware of what is to take place it is easy to
forget and take for granted what we have been blessed with- opportunity and a
platform to be heard.
Those we seek to serve often don’t have the kind of
opportunities that are often presented to us and as delegates we have a
responsibility to use everything we are/have been given to better society and
one another. I expect the World Council meeting to remind us again why we do
what we do. Being part of the World Council will open our eyes and sharpen the
things that need to be sharpened to equip us all for the work that is ahead.
Therefore I expect to grow; to be changed;
to be challenged ; to learn; to
be inspired to do more; to go further;
to think bigger and deeper while inspiring others to do the same. As
they say ‘I can feel it in my bones’, this is going to be the experience of a
lifetime! Expect the unexpected!
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Houston, the eagle has landed
After a long yet enjoyable flight, the team from Fairthorne has arrived safely in Vancouver. We are visiting our friends in the north before heading down to join the world council in Colorado.
I have to say, seeing the city for the first time was jaw dropping. Driving downtown with the gang felt amazing!
Looking forward to meeting the Vancouver team over the next few days and then in a we will link up with the council on the 29th.
I have to say, seeing the city for the first time was jaw dropping. Driving downtown with the gang felt amazing!
Looking forward to meeting the Vancouver team over the next few days and then in a we will link up with the council on the 29th.
Looking out for the Giants
Well...what can one say? For eight months now I have been working on the planning and logistics of getting 36 wonderful people from England, not forgetting Chris Richards from Wales and Martine Mc Garry from Ireland, to the 18th YMCA World Council in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado this week end. All are individuals in their own rights and hence each have had their own requests and I trust we have been able to cater for each and every one without fear of favor.
This will be my fifth Council and I know that one delegate from England has been to many more and one is also on their fifth. For the majority of the rest this is their first experience of a truly world class youth movement which recently celebrated it's 170th anniversary. This is illustrated, in my view through the fact that 20 out of the 36 English delegates are under 30. I can remember the days when we had to make a huge effort to get young people into such delegations, but this evening this is the first time I have looked at the English delegation profile. feeling good about that.
I know some of you on my friends list on facebook will think I keep banging on about YMCA and I am grateful you have not unfriended me:)
But becoming aware that as I type this post people are in airports or in planes crossing oceans and continents to gather together, over 1300 people. to set the course of a Global Youth movement for the next four years, towards Youth Empowerment stirs my soul.
People will come from Brazil, India, Australia, Canada USA Cayman Islands. Kosovo, Peru, Russia, Colombia, Germany, Ukraine, Ireland, France, Armenia, Poland, Scotland and the list goes on.... and on and on .... oh and Iceland and Finland and.....
All this does not just happen. We have an incredible team at a Global level, Ken our President, Johan Vilhelm Secretary General and then a collection of superstars who must have been fashioned by the creators hands. I am up for risks so here we go, We have a son and daughter from Switzerland, a Son from Brazil, Colombia, India, Africa and a daughter from USA. We than have a daughter of England who holds the logistics of the Movement together on occasions such as these....Suzanne ...Thank you!
My greatest desire for the next week is that things will never be the same again for anyone who engages,
This will be my fifth Council and I know that one delegate from England has been to many more and one is also on their fifth. For the majority of the rest this is their first experience of a truly world class youth movement which recently celebrated it's 170th anniversary. This is illustrated, in my view through the fact that 20 out of the 36 English delegates are under 30. I can remember the days when we had to make a huge effort to get young people into such delegations, but this evening this is the first time I have looked at the English delegation profile. feeling good about that.
I know some of you on my friends list on facebook will think I keep banging on about YMCA and I am grateful you have not unfriended me:)
But becoming aware that as I type this post people are in airports or in planes crossing oceans and continents to gather together, over 1300 people. to set the course of a Global Youth movement for the next four years, towards Youth Empowerment stirs my soul.
People will come from Brazil, India, Australia, Canada USA Cayman Islands. Kosovo, Peru, Russia, Colombia, Germany, Ukraine, Ireland, France, Armenia, Poland, Scotland and the list goes on.... and on and on .... oh and Iceland and Finland and.....
All this does not just happen. We have an incredible team at a Global level, Ken our President, Johan Vilhelm Secretary General and then a collection of superstars who must have been fashioned by the creators hands. I am up for risks so here we go, We have a son and daughter from Switzerland, a Son from Brazil, Colombia, India, Africa and a daughter from USA. We than have a daughter of England who holds the logistics of the Movement together on occasions such as these....Suzanne ...Thank you!
My greatest desire for the next week is that things will never be the same again for anyone who engages,
Check, Check, Checking, Check In!!!
Only one more day to go before I embark on my first YMCA World Council....... My NOTE TO SELF reads:
- CHECK emails daily ....just in case I've missed vital information from Ken (the superb organiser and master of herding cats!)
- CHECK that hubby has read and committed to memory the listed routine to keep a two-year-old in check!! 😳😏😃😉
- Keep CHECKING documents needed to travel - passport etc....
- Don't forget to CHECK IN before departure and print off Boarding Pass.
Looking forward to meeting people from all over the world who are journeying with the YMCA - many people one passion!! I just can't wait!!!
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Ctrl/Alt/Delete Time to Go
1731 on Wednesday 25th June and its time to press Ctrl/Alt/Delete to shut down my computer for the final time. Tomorrow the YMCA Fairthorne Group Delegation of 5 will depart from Fairthorne Manor at 0530 bound for Heathrow. We are off to Vancouver in Canada where we are spending a day at the Robert Lee YMCA which is part of the YMCA of Greater Vancouver. Our hosts have lined up a team of 7 department heads to share their learning. We will also be beamed in live to the opening ceremony of the Young Carers Festival (see previous blog) to send a message of support from across the Atlantic. On Sunday we will be flying down to Denver to join you all just in time for the YMCA England meet at 7 pm.
Look out for Vancouver blogs on route.
Peter Cooper
Monday, 23 June 2014
Excitement is building
In three days time I set off on an international adventure that could change my life forever!
Estes Park in Colorado welcomes the YMCA world council and I am one of the lucky ones with an invite!
YMCA delegates from all over the world will be landing in the Rockies to collide ideas, forge new paths, care for each other, share stories and actively strengthen the YMCA movement.
An opportunity of a life time to make vital international relations, listen to new ideas and learn different ways to express, enthuse and promote the YMCA.
I must admit, there are quite a few nerves bubbling about but the overriding sense of inspiration and excitement is too strong for that to bother me.
Its time to gather all those documents, re pack your suit case and put your passport in that safe place.
Its happening people!
YMCA, I salute you!
Estes Park in Colorado welcomes the YMCA world council and I am one of the lucky ones with an invite!
YMCA delegates from all over the world will be landing in the Rockies to collide ideas, forge new paths, care for each other, share stories and actively strengthen the YMCA movement.
An opportunity of a life time to make vital international relations, listen to new ideas and learn different ways to express, enthuse and promote the YMCA.
I must admit, there are quite a few nerves bubbling about but the overriding sense of inspiration and excitement is too strong for that to bother me.
Its time to gather all those documents, re pack your suit case and put your passport in that safe place.
Its happening people!
YMCA, I salute you!
Preparing my soul
Soul Food
I have been reflecting a great deal on what this important investment of time means for me. Nearly ten days away from my loved ones, from my busy work place and from moving house and broken down car. The past few weeks I have been saying to myself what an idiot for agreeing when I knew I was so busy. But this last weekend everything changed. I had been praying (well sat in church staring at my shoe laces, contemplating at least!) and it came to me. This was my retreat. This World Council would be the most amazing retreat I had ever been on. Not withstanding the beautiful scenery of the Rocky Mountains, I was about to enter a world where for a week I would be surrounded by people who shared the same values as me who wanted the same outcomes as me. How much might change in my heart and head as I listened carefully to those people? How much could I grow as a person as I listened to the assembled global voices? How much would my soul be nourished as I allowed the diversity of people and the unity of hearts to provide me with a chance to become a better person? Now, I can't wait, I cant wait to meet you all, to see the tapestry of the World Council and to be surrounded by people who believe that young people are at the heart of our world, and that by celebrating and working with them we can genuinely make this global community of ours a much much better place.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Bridges For The Future
Andy here sitting in Pristina International Airport
reflecting on how I ended up here. Sure, I’m glad I made it in one piece to
Kosovo after a turbulent Aer Lingus flight early on Friday morning, at that
point I was wondering why I had ever gambled with gravity in the first place
and I may have developed a minor phobia of flying. But here I am with an hour
‘til I fly home with no regrets.
Two years ago I’d never heard of Kosovo,
much less think I’d ever end up there. Through my involvement in the YMCA and
ILP I’ve found myself with opportunities and experiences that had never been on
my radar. Now I’m intrigued by this place Kosovo having learnt something of the
country’s history and struggles and culture. Furthermore I’ve met a few of the
country’s finest young leaders like Dorina and Orbis both with compelling and
inspiring stories and much to offer not just Kosovo but the world.
I was here for the weekend as part of the
planning team for our ‘Bridges for the Future’ seminar scheduled for 6-11th
September in Pristina. The seminar is a product of YMCA Europe’s Roots For
Reconciliation project. Yesterday we confirmed 35 participants from 10
countries for September and have an exciting programme lined up including;
visiting Ferizaj where a Catholic Church and Mosque sit side by side in the
same garden; a cultural evening with a difference; inputs from various Balkan
YMCAs and YMCA Ireland and Cyprus on peace work and co-existence; and having
Samuel Diaz from the World Alliance supporting participants to create powerful
messages concerning ‘peace’ during the week and maximizing the potential of
social media. We skyped Samuel yesterday and after speaking with him I am
really looking forward to what we will all learn from his expertise in media
and particularly social media – this will undoubtedly be learning beneficial to
the national movements involved.
Well, not long now ‘til I board my flight
home. I look forward to coming back here in September joined by some friends
from YMCA Ireland. Bridges For the Future promises to be an engaging,
challenging and inspiring seminar, already our friends in Kosovo Adi and Dorina
have set the bar with the accommodation – a hotel that boasts having a pool, a
sauna, a world record breaking bean mosaic, and Snoop Dogg as one of it’s
former guests – and that’s before we even get the seminar started!
Thursday, 19 June 2014
World Council Blog
Morning campers,
As I'll be encouraging all of you to blog repeatedly throughout the World Council I thought I'd get one in there early.
For me the World Council represents a chance to share some of the best practice we have in England with the rest of our global movement, in particular what we do in our Policy and Research team. I'm looking forward to seeing the delegation together and hearing about what everyone else's expectations are. I think the blogs and video diaries will be a great way to put some names to faces and make our first moment together on Sunday more welcoming.
As we approach the last week before Colorado...I can't help but think of that classic Craaaaaaaig Daviiiiid tune '7 days' from the mid-naughties.
"Watching England with the lads on Tuesday,
Editing our World Council video by Wednesday,
Got softball and packing on Thursday, Friday & Saturday
I'll be in Colorado on Sunday!!"
Can't wait to see y'all (getting in the American spirit already),
Liam Preston
Liam Preston
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