Thursday 13 June 2013

The European Peace Cohort hits Yerevan

It is the 3rd day of the conference and what an emotional, inspiring, tiring, fun filled week it has turned out to be (I didn't really expect anything less).

So I don't want to repeat anything Adi has said about the tea party (do you really want to read about it twice?) So I thought I would just briefly mention my highlights of the evening;
1. Finland's tea having the Moomins on the packaging and seeing their excitement when I recognised them (I also really enjoyed their tea). 
2. Cyprus and the 4 teas.
3. The absolutely buzzing atmosphere in the room as the tea party happened. 
4. Adi's absolute determination and amazing leadership in the event! 
5. Russia's locally made honey (I was sat eating it out of the jar, they didn't mind!)
6. I could go on and on as the list is endless...

Moving on to today and what has been happening... This afternoon we went to Sergei Parajanov's museum to see some of his work. This was interesting for want of a better word. If you are ever in Yerevn and want something to do, I would recommend a visit. The museum is set in a house that Armenia built for Parajanov but unfortunately he died before he could move into the house. His work is unique and if you are interested in art work and peace then it is well worth a visit. 

Following this, the rest of the afternoon was free for us to explore the beautiful city of Yerevan. For me, being British and not liking the heat it was too hot and a lovely Armenian coffee shop was in order for some refreshment and a rest, we decided to sit in Jazzve in Freedom Square, a square where many protests have happened hence it's name. As the evening drew in, it was cooler to have a wonder round the city. Yerevan is surrounded by beautiful mountains and as the hot air from the city rises and the cold air from the mountains come down, there is a welcome breeze through the city to cool everyone down. It was very welcome for me as it is very hot here today.

As evening drew in, all he participants gathered in Jazzve (I would like one of these in England so I can enjoy Armenian coffee all the time!) for dinner. Yet again, the atmosphere started to buzz with excitement and interesting conversation. The people is what make these events, the interesting, inspiring and leaders of the future. We, like Adi said, are the movement and are the change that will appear in the movement. And, I personally, can't wait to see it!


  1. fantastic Rachel, really got a sense of the place.

  2. Well Rachel I am impressed!
    Loving the feeling of this post and really makes me feel I am there with you (wish I was like!)
    Keep us up to date as we are all eager to hear the voice of t a true peace keeper!
