Sunday 24 February 2013

An Un-passable Opportunity

15 months ago I was a relative newcomer to the YMCA. I started volunteering in my local Y the year before (North Down YMCA and had coincidentally ended up in a YMCA in America for a 10 week uni placement (Rockford YMCA  It was then that Stephen Turner, the National Secretary of YMCA Ireland, suggested I apply for the ILP programme.

I wasn’t 100% sure what I was signing up for but from my few years experience I knew that the YMCA had a commitment to and a rich tradition of international youth work, a commitment that sets it apart from other youth organisations. As someone who is passionate about youth work and loves to travel and learn from other cultures, the opportunity to be part of a YMCA International Leadership Programme was a very appealing opportunity and one I did not pass up on.

So 15 months down the line, what have I experienced? What have I learned?

Being part of this group and getting to know leaders from the other 3 national movements has been great and has been a forum for us to question and debate what the YMCA is all about and how we can make the most of international opportunities.

Last year we attended the European Assembly in Prague and I was part of the YES group. Ken and others could talk endlessly about the role and function of these meetings but nothing compares to experiencing something for yourself. I would be lying if I said I understand fully the workings of YMCA Europe, but compared to 15months ago, I now know it exists, I now see the value of overarching priorities that European national movements agree with and commit to, I now know the encouragement that comes from making friends with people from all over Europe, united by the shared vision of the YMCA, I now know that I can influence the future direction of our organization at a National and European level.

I’ve learned more about the structures of the YMCA and now sit as a trustee on the board of YMCA Ireland. I’m still learning about how Local, National, European and World all connect. I’m keen to use my learning and opportunities I get through ILP to benefit my national and indeed my local YMCA. Just this weekend I’ve learned that this kind of benefit need only start with a conversation and sharing of experience with young people in my local YM to generate an excitement and enthusiasm of what possibilities exist, something I need to get better at!



  1. Thanks for sharing Andy, honestly has been a pleasure getting to know you

  2. Interesting read Andy, would second what Adi said and was a pleasure spending the weekend with you and getting to know you. Thanks again for all your hard work.
