Friday 23 October 2015

Good morning Montreal Welcome Kosovo and Ireland

Stage two of our YMCA Discovery visit to Canada begins this morning. From Monday to Wednesday this week we spent our days with YMCA Canada and the YMCA of Greater Toronto.

Yesterday we took time out to visit Niagra Falls and surruonding area, participants took a helicopter ride and boat trip. Simply fabulous.

Today we commence our visit to Montreal with great anticipation. We hope we can maintain our energy levels to do justice to the planning and  preparation that has gone into making the visit inspirational and enjoyable. At the same time I am mindful of a gathering clan of young YMCA people from Kosovo, Ireland and England who will spend the next week in England building relationships and friendships that will last a lifetime, at the same time as engaging in leadership training sessions that will equip then to develop communities where young people can belong contribute and thrive. As I reflect I feel in my being that this is why I am Canada today. Changing lives and building communities, one step at a time!

One of these days I will share with you a story about flying kites! Until then I welcome our new authors, young people engaged in leadership development in England during the next few days.

Contributing a verse to the song of the giants. #standingontheshouldersofgiants


  1. Ken, glad yesterday was such fun and gave you a chance to see more of our beautiful country. Greetings to you and your group and best wishes for stage 2 of your Discovery journey with the YMCAs of Quebec.

    Mary Anne

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