Early May this year myself, my CEO & about 8 other volunteers at
Bolton YMCA & its partner organisations got the chance to visit Southern Poland
on a Cultural visit. The members of the group with ages from 20 to 72 came from
a wide range of backgrounds but all had some connection with Bolton YMCA.

Overall probably the most influential experience of the trip was the
visit to Auschwitz. It brought some of our group to tears & moved all.
Although the holocaust is something that is taught in Schools, prior to the
visit it was easy to think that it was in some far off place & that what
happened is so distance from the present. You couldn't be more wrong – It was
only an hour & a half minibus ride from our Lovely Village of Lanckorona
that one of our group called 'Paradise.' The grass, trees & sunshine over
the the two Auschwitz camps we visited easily betrayed the horror of what took place here 70 years ago.

But bragging to the rest of the international movements & people across the world that we invented the
YMCA 170 years ago, as awesome as it is, only gets us so far. What I am trying
to say is in recent history we don't have anything that comes anywhere close to
saying "THAT WAS US." Now I'm not asking for a new sport to be invented
just so we can put English YMCAs back on the map, or a New World War so we can help
out - Nobody would dream of that, and as a result of the dire situation in Ukraine we are close enough as it is.
Being the founding movement however, with a massive head start over all
the other movements, we should be leading the way. Yet every time I go abroad
& see another YMCA, I feel like we are lagging behind, when we should be
the guiding light. I can't be the only person in our movement feeling this way, & in truth I know I am not.
This isn't about being in competition with YMCAs from other countries,
it is about moving forward. Why? Because we are a movement!!! This is what movements
do. As a movement we should never be content with where we are, yet I feel we
have come to stand, or at the very least have slowed to a crawl.
Yes, we took part in the last Two World Challenge Events, & yes, we
shouted for all the World to hear for the last one that we stand for "Young People
& we want their voices to be heard," but are we really doing it? I am
not so sure. Right now we are "recovering" from the biggest financial
crisis in recent times, in the middle of a cost of living crisis, & have
massive numbers of Young People without work. This is our call to action. This
our time to stand up for Young People.
But maybe we are too busy looking after ourselves, our YMCA Movement, our
YMCA buildings, our careers. Why? Because we have become too reliant on the Government & the funding from it, & too scared of what the people in
power will do, if we truly stand up for all young people, not just those we serve. I can understand why decision
makers at the top of the movement are making the decisions they are making. I
can understand, but they are not always the right ones, in my eyes, or the
Young People. These decisions are being made to maintain our movement in its
current form the best they can.
As a trustee, albeit a young trustee, I know a number of the biggest threats that would
have an impact on the survival of our YMCAs, and the YMCA movement is right to tackle all
these threats in any way it can, but not at the expense of who we are. What we
stand for.
We stand for Young People!!! Now that is a binary statement, we
either do or we don't, there is no middle ground. When you say something like
that you don't have a choice to pick & choose what fights you want to
fight, & where you want to compromise. Yet maybe we are, maybe we are making choices primarily on the effect it will have on our YMCAs, at the expense of issues which affect the Young People,
we said we stand for, possibly more than our organisation?
As I said already, We stand for Young People - That's all Young People, all the time, everytime.
As a movement we are far too reliant on Government funding. We need to wake up to the reality that Young People are not a priority of this Government & it could be argued that they are not the priority of past or future governments, so rather than chasing crumbs that are only ever going to get fewer in number, at the expense of our soul, we should find another way. Maybe people have forgotten that our YMCA buildings, centres, &
housing are just vehicles for the change, that YMCA does not need them to be a
force for change. They help the change, they are not the change. Don't get me
wrong, I can understand people's sentimentality to their own YMCAs, as I am to
mine, but remember the building is just the building.
Not too long ago I saw an article about a large national charity of a similar age & Christian background to our organisation, who whilst
doing its charity work was working alongside the DWP & Police. The people
who the charity were working with were vulnerable people & the process of
the charity working with the DWP & Police, was putting these people at risk
of arrest or sanctions. This shocked me & made me question a charity which
most people recognise as being a pillar of the community. It also made me wonder what their motive was behind this? Needless to say the
revelation set a switch in my mind that I never ever want to be involved with
them, because, in my eyes they had sold their soul.
Why does this matter? Because maybe people have forgotten that we as a
YMCA are not here to judge Young People, we are here to help them. That we are
an Non-governmental organisation founded on Christian values, which means we
are not here to help governments criminalise or punish Young People. That
movements, like the Polish YMCA which had survived Nazism & re-emerged post
Communism, survived because people believe in the YMCA & the good work it
does. That the Global YMCA movement survives & flourishes today because
people believe in us.
Maybe people have also forgotten that our staff, our volunteers, our Chief
Executives & board members, You & me, that they/we are just caretakers.
This means we have to be responsible with the YMCA, it is not ours to break, so
we must make sure we do the right thing by the Young People, so people continue
to believe in the YMCA & for it to live on.
A wise man told me when I was much younger "It's your Youth Club."
He was right, but not nearly enough. Our Youth Clubs, Housing, Help groups,
etc, they don't just belong to the Young People, neither does the individual YMCA buildings,
or the national YMCA body.
The whole YMCA movement belongs to the Young People.
And if that is so maybe it should be the Young People making the
decisions, as they are the real stakeholders. Maybe instead of our boards being
made up of mostly older people there should be a fairer balance. Maybe instead
of our CEOs, voting on top down changes from our national governing body, Young
People from our YMCAs should be voting. Maybe instead of us just saying we stand
for young people, we actually stand for young people in every action we do
& facilitate a way of enabling young people to unionise & stand up for
I hear all the time from people within the movement that we are 'Standing
on the Shoulders of Giants.' Well sometimes I feel that those Giants have got
shackles around them. We need to break these off. We, as part of a Global Movement, should
not be afraid of standing against anyone in standing up for the rights &
voices of Young People, for as long as we are united as YMCA nothing will ever
come close to dwarfing us.
Wow! That is a bit of a tour deforce. Lets put it out there and see what sort of response it generates. Thanks Alex.
ReplyDeleteA good read. Thoroughly enjoyed it, Alex!