There is nothing more rewarding than returning home after a long journey. This journey was worth it though. After a productive and motivating meeting in Strasbourg, the capital of Europe, I cannot say that I am not happier see my own bed! But to the meeting! 5 of us from YMCA (Vardan, Rezi, Marius, Dorina and I) were joined by Ivana from the Council of Europe Educational Adviser to plan the next Peace Work Institute Session III to be held at the European Youth Centre in December.

We were planning things from the practical elements of the session, which participants will be there and the session plan. We worked hard and well together and after in depth and detailed conversations about aims and objectives, the flow of the session, how over 30 years old participants we had, we got there. We finished in a remarkable time and were done by 3pm on Saturday afternoon. Just enough time for us to enjoy some time in the city before we started to part ways and make our way home. For me, this achievement alone, getting so much into such a short amount of time with us all having little to no sleep (Dorina arrived Friday morning and didn't go to sleep until Friday night). We all have different ways of working and different processes, yet as a team we worked. I think it is fair to say that we all felt that it was a productive meeting.

In the city, trying to find somewhere for us to eat on Saturday afternoon we were treated to a carnival style show, from bagpipes to rain dances to zombies all walked or danced past us while we enjoyed the food. To add a little excitement to the whole thing, the clouds decided to open, this is when sitting outside maybe wasn't the brightest of ideas but it was only a little bit of water! It is these times when you have some of the most valuable and thought - provoking discussions with like-minded people. Vardan asked us all a question when sitting and enjoying coffee in Petite France; "where have you been, that is not your home country, where you feel most at home?" On reflection, this was difficult to answer because all of the places I have been, there has always been a part of me that felt right, at home. My answer; where ever YMCA is, I feel at home. It is not always the place but the people that you are there with that make it the experience that it is and I know that the places I have traveled over the last 2 years would not have been the same had it not been for the amazing and inspiring people that I have met along the way.
Here I will end, keep watching the site in December to see how the session goes...

We were planning things from the practical elements of the session, which participants will be there and the session plan. We worked hard and well together and after in depth and detailed conversations about aims and objectives, the flow of the session, how over 30 years old participants we had, we got there. We finished in a remarkable time and were done by 3pm on Saturday afternoon. Just enough time for us to enjoy some time in the city before we started to part ways and make our way home. For me, this achievement alone, getting so much into such a short amount of time with us all having little to no sleep (Dorina arrived Friday morning and didn't go to sleep until Friday night). We all have different ways of working and different processes, yet as a team we worked. I think it is fair to say that we all felt that it was a productive meeting.

In the city, trying to find somewhere for us to eat on Saturday afternoon we were treated to a carnival style show, from bagpipes to rain dances to zombies all walked or danced past us while we enjoyed the food. To add a little excitement to the whole thing, the clouds decided to open, this is when sitting outside maybe wasn't the brightest of ideas but it was only a little bit of water! It is these times when you have some of the most valuable and thought - provoking discussions with like-minded people. Vardan asked us all a question when sitting and enjoying coffee in Petite France; "where have you been, that is not your home country, where you feel most at home?" On reflection, this was difficult to answer because all of the places I have been, there has always been a part of me that felt right, at home. My answer; where ever YMCA is, I feel at home. It is not always the place but the people that you are there with that make it the experience that it is and I know that the places I have traveled over the last 2 years would not have been the same had it not been for the amazing and inspiring people that I have met along the way.
Here I will end, keep watching the site in December to see how the session goes...
Thanks Rachel, I agree it is always great to be in your own home/bed. It is also wonderful to spend time in our extended family where we share ideas and plan to assist others to explore issues that lead to a better future. Thank you!