The Youth Forum kicked off by an opening statement of the Council President, which was followed by a message from the current UN Secretary General and then the outgoing UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth. The session started with a ministerial round table, this gave us a chance to have key seats in the significant discussions and a chance to raise questions in all matters regarding youth, equality, empowerment, education and the eradication of poverty. Delegates asked questions to member states’ representatives of how all these important issues raised are going to collaborate with the UN SDG's 2030 mission and how young people can play a part!
After lunch we headed to
the breakout sessions, I attended the breakout session regarding SDG 9 'Build
resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization
and foster innovation'. This session gave insight to how we can promote the
use of digital currency as an incentive for social and community good, not just
for a monetary value, and how communities and youth play a big role in the
development of infrastructure and promoting an all-inclusive society. We had
some keynote speakers, who highlighted the importance of youth in future
We headed back to the
trusteeship chamber for the final session of day one; we heard all the
reporting from the breakout sessions that ran prior! We also had a talk and
Q&A with tech professionals on the Role of technology in implementing
the SDGs.
The day ended with a group
photo of all the YMCA delegates, where we opportunistically held the flag of
the United Nations for the photo......we put it back of course!
We headed back to the UN headquarters for Day 2 of the Youth Forum. Straight away we headed into another breakout session; this time round the session was based on your geographical location. Europe, North America and Other States was the room I attended along with others and Phillippa of YMCA England. Here we discussed in groups: Young people’s risk of poverty and social exclusion, investment in young people and youth organisations, social protection and quality of jobs for young people as well as young people’s participation in democratic life and in society, including in politics and policy making.
After this breakout
session, we headed back into the main chamber, where again we heard feedback
from all the reginal breakout sessions, as a team of YMCA representatives we
advocated for all the young people we work with and youth that we need to work
with because the YMCA leaves no-one behind. From all the sessions, it was clear
that a stage like this on such an international field is where the YMCA
deserves to be, YMCA’s work all around the world, in 12,000 communities, where
our work touches the hearts of 55 million members. Our presence caught the eye
of many representatives and participants at the forum, one gentleman in the
lift simply said “You’re the YMCA right? You guys are everywhere.”
The final session involved
the final hearings from the forum, it was also a pleasure to witness a YMCA
delegate speak from the top table, Ivana Ilic, General-Secretary of YMCA Serbia
gave an inspiring and well-informed speech, a speech that came from the heart
and resonated with everyone in the room.
What an experience it was,
from meeting all the new faces, participating in a video blog to spread
awareness of YMCA in China with Jessie and Lilly, having dinner with Romulo
(Brazil & Switzerland) and the rest of the team. Celebrating Sebastian’s
(YMCA Colombia) Birthday whilst we all ate out, listening to the wonderful work
YMCA do back in Australia from Steven. Mini adventures around New York City
with Joen of YMCA Sweden and Phillippa. We were joined by Razvan (Romania) on
the last day of sight-seeing. Participating in mini protests with everyone and
members of YMCA New York, Springfield College YMCA, YMCA Albania and YMCA
Being able to represent
YMCA North Staffordshire, YMCA England and World YMCA as a Youth Ambassador in a building of such political and diplomatic
importance that is the United Nations, it has been a journey of inspiration,
joy, hope and wisdom. Meeting with other like-minded young people from all
around the world, I have been inspired with their knowledge and enthusiasm of
change, change that is especially for the benefit of young people and the wider
society, wherever and whoever they are. I bring back that knowledge and
willingness, more now, than ever, where I hope to step-up and play my
Great Blog Jerahl, seems like it was a really worthwhile engagement.Thanks for posting.