It's 15:00 on Friday 24th June. There is 30 minutes until
I finish work and 3 hours before I head to YMCA Faithorne Manor to volunteer
for the young carers festival. I can barely contain my excitement let alone
imagining the excitement of the young people travelling to the festival.
The festival happens at Fairthorne Manor every year to
provide a space where young carers from around the UK can come together and
enjoy themselves as young people for the weekend. This is the 17th Young Carers
Festival. The festival has also been a place where worries, opinions and ideas
are shared around the issues young carers face and from it we have seen changes
in legislation to benefit the young carers.
This is my fourth Young Carers Festival (YCF) and it is
always such an honour to be part of bringing joy to these incredible young
carers. Tonight I have the pleasure of welcoming the new arrivals and showing
them to their tents. Everyone is so ecstatic to be here that even the puddles
in the tents from the weeks previous bad British weather didn't dampen the
young people's spirits (pun intended).
The opening ceremony kicks off around 21:00 starting with
a message from the Young Carers, leading to guest acts Mahalia and Jake
Quickiden, then to the spectacular fireworks display (I'm sure it gets better
every year), finishing with a disco to end the first night. What a great way to
start the weekend.
It's Saturday and again feelings of excitement rush
through me like a child at Christmas. I'm acting as face painter today which
means I get to chat to the young people all day. I get to witness them enjoying
themselves, making new friends, catching up with friends they have met at last
years YCF and sharing their stories with one an other.
In my break I walk around the
Voice Zone and I also come across the Wish Tree, which always brings a tear to
my eye. Although most of the young carers wished that their relatives would get
better, or wished people understood them more, or wished they got more help with
their studies; not one person wished they had a different life or complained
about being a young carer in any way. They were all grateful and almost
honoured to be able look after their loved ones.

These young people are truly incredible and thanks the
staff at YMCA Fairthorne Manor and the Children's Society and all of the
volunteers and leaders, they get to celebrate all that they do in style every
year and I am forever in awe of the Young Carers Festival and of course the
Young Carers themselves.