Wednesday 10 April 2013

6 Months finished...

I'm back! Sorry again for my absence but life at the Rocheton is getting ever busier.

Since January all that has happened is there has been more and more work each day. I used to think it was a walk in the park here but now the hotel side is full every week with it scheduled to get worse, on the social side it has just involved redecorating the rooms as families leave and new arrive. On a plus note, I work with the children twice a month which is a nice change but sometimes even more difficult!

Everyday I get more and more confident speaking in French, not particularly fluently, but I understand and people understand me. Most people tell me everyday I speak brilliantly for how long I have been here. Well everyone except the big boss at YMCA France who thinks I have hardly improved. I can not cope with that so I am now forcing my friends to speak just in French with me even though they would like to improve their English.

I have had 3 adventures since January. One to Spain to see my Mum and Dad & two to gloomy Bolton. Spain as you can imagine was amazing, such a wonderful place but for me it was definitely just spending time with family that made it. Bolton was the same old stuff different time... I will be devastated when I leave the Rocheton to go back there. I love the people but I am over the place. Sadly.

With the other volunteers we have monthly day excursions, the latest was to the Chateaux Chambord. Absolutely magnificent place, just the building was a work of art, learning the history of the place and how it was built was fantastic! At first i wasn't too keen on the culture of France but it is slowly growing on me!

I say this every time but we will see how it goes, I will try and post more often! 6 months has flown by which is a real shame because I do genuinely love it here but after I definitely would like to work deeper within the YMCA, England, France or where ever, I enjoy the Y where ever I go & never scared to rock a YMCA t-shirt/jacket! I hope the upcoming months are slow ones but I also can not wait for Prague!


  1. Ian this may just be the best blog i've ever read! your honesty and maturity shine through. I'm glad you are enjoying it and your experience is going to be very vital for others in terms of guidance and support. I too am visiting Bolton over the next few months so it will be interesting to compare experiences. Great blog and speak soon

  2. Mr Cook, absolutely stunning. Ian, I am inspired as a result of reading your blog. You have my full respect for your attitude towards learning a new language. Respect!

    I sense in what you say that you are maturing and growing as a result of your time in France. I trust the folks you are working with are benefiting from your work.

    I recognise what you say about enjoying the Y where ever you go. On Snday I visited a YMCA Training centre on the West Bank in Plastine. There I met young men and women the same age as you, living away from their homes and families to improve their fuure potential. I recognise that in your case there is also the element of your service to the YMCA in France and to those who use their services. From YMCA Englands perspective if your are seeking further involvement and opportunities with the YMCA we will support you in that.

    Your blog posts suggest you are a young man who is benefiting from the opportunity you have chosen, The YMCA is richer because you are involved.

  3. Great blog,Ian.We are very proud of you.Keep up the good work and something will come from your experiences.

  4. Ian, this is an amazing blog! It clearly shows your journey and was a pleasure to read it and share it with you. I, too share your passion for the YMCA and not ashamed to wear the brand! This blog reads like it is the start of a very exciting and much longer journey for you. Looking forward to hearing more. Keep it up and good luck with learning French (I always hated it in school).
